MN Farmers Push for More Protection from Corporate Ag in Farm Bill

Congress continues its work on a new Farm Bill, and many family farmers across the state are making their case for more regulations to curb what they call the “abuses of large factory farms.”

Family Farm Representative Matthew Sheets with the Minnesota-based Land Stewardship Project says they want to restore competition in livestock markets and level the playing field for independent producers…

“Minnesota is fortunate that we have pretty robust local control laws, which means that counties and even townships have the final say on whether or not a large factory farm is actually built.”

Sheets says they want several items included in the final bill…

“The Farm Bill is an incredibly important piece of legislation, not just for farmers but for families. We’re all connected to the food system, right? And the farm bill is the most comprehensive piece of food-system legislation that Congress passes.”

The Farm Bill, an omnibus, multi-year law renewed every five years, governs a wide array of agricultural and food programs. The deadline for congress to pass a new Farm Bill this year is September 30th.

(content: courtesy MNN)

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