MN to Begin Moving Away from Fluorescent Lightbulbs, Other Products in 2025

Starting in 2025, Minnesota will become the latest state to ban the sale of fluorescent lightbulbs, which experts say are harmful to the environment and human health.

Fresh Energy spokesperson Eric Fowler says the end date for more specialized bulbs is January 2026, though many LED options are already available to counter what he calls the “hidden danger” found in fluorescent products…

“We’re going to keep the market moving in the direction it’s already going and transition away from these lights that, at this point, are unnecessarily hazardous, fragile glass tubes with toxic mercury.”

Legislative researchers say despite recycling requirements for fluorescent products, they still frequently end up broken or thrown away, exposing custodial staff and waste workers to mercury. Backers say the law change, passed with bipartisan support, also paves the way for more energy efficiency.

(content: courtesy MNN)





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