Xcel Energy Statement on Water Leak at Monticello Nuclear Power Generating Facility

(file photo: Xcel Energy’s Monticello Nuclear Power Plant)

Xcel Energy released a statement Thursday on steps that are on-going to contain and manage a water leak detected by routine groundwater monitoring systems at the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant late last year.

Xcel Energy says it took swift action to contain the leak of water containing the radioactive material called tritium to the plant site. The company says the incident and the on-going containment poses no health and safety risk to the local community or environment.

Xcel said it notified the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as well as the state on November 22nd, 2022, the day the leak was confirmed. The company has since coordinated regularly with state and federal regulators, as well as local officials. The company says it has been pumping, storing, treating, and then re-using the leaked waters that contains levels of tritium that are below the NRC’s safety thresholds. Tritium is a compound that is naturally present in the environment, and is commonly created in the operation of nuclear power plants. It emits low levels of radiation, similar to everyday materials that people use and in the food we eat.

Xcel identified the source of the leak as a water pipe running between two buildings. To contain the leak, the facility is diverting the water to an in-plant water treatment system, preventing additional water from leaving the plant.

Meanwhile, Xcel officials say ongoing monitoring from over two dozen on-site monitoring wells confirms that the leaked water is fully contained and has not been detected beyond the facility or in any local drinking water. State agencies continue to monitor Xcel Energy’s remediation work to ensure the continued safety of the local community and surrounding environment.

You may remember that about two months ago, Xcel filed an application with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to extend its license to operate the Monticello plant for another 20 years. The facility originally opened in 1971.

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